
Guadalupe グアダルーペ

December 9th, 1531

"Juanito, Juanito."

"Juanito, the youngest of my children. Where are you going?"

"My son, I am the Mother of the true God and I wish to have a temple built here for me to show in it all my love and compassion to those who believe in me. Go to the house of the Bishop of Mexico and tell him that I sent you to state that which I greatly desire. Be sure that I will thank you. I will make you happy and I will glorify you."

December 9th, 1531

"Listen, my beloved child, it is not a question of not having a messenger but it is necessary that you ask for it and that with your mediation my will be done. I beg you to go see the bishop again tomorrow and tell him to build the temple I ask for. Tell him that I, in person, the eternal Virgin Mary, Mother of God, sent you."

December 10th, 1531

"Juanito, Juanito, the youngest of my children. You will come back tomorrow to bring to the bishop the sign that he asked for."

December 12th, 1531

"My son, Juanito. Where are you going? Where are you headed?"

"My son, the youngest. You are not afraid of anything, do not let your heart fret. Do not be frightened by your uncle’s disease, he won’t die. Am I not here and am I not your mother?"

"Go, my don, to the top of the hill, you will find different flowers there, cut them, collect them and bring them to me."

"Bernardinotzin, do not fear, it is not your time yet. You will go see the bishop, you will tell him what you have seen and you will say that I, the Guadalupe Virgin have healed you."

December 12th, 1531

"The youngest of my children. You are my ambassador. You are so worthy of my trust. You will display your blanket only in front of the Bishop. With this, you will change the heart of that mister of the priests, so he builds up the temple that I have requested."

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