

18 th. February 1858

"It is not necessary"
"what I have to say to you does not have to be written down".
"Would you do me the kindness of coming here for 15 days?"
"I do not promise to make you happy in this world but in the other. Would you be kind enough to come here for a fortnight?"

24th. February 1858

"Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray to God for sinners. Kiss the ground as an act of penance for sinners!"

25th. February 1858

"Go to the spring, drink of it and wash yourself there".

2nd. March 1858

"Go, tell the priests to come here in procession and to build a chapel here."

25th. March 1858

Que soy era Immaculada Concepciou (I am the Immaculate Conception).

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